Supporting Local High School Band and Colorguard Program

August 22nd, 2023 by

Two exceptional students, twins from a local school called Hart High School, gathered their courage and asked Hello Auto Group if they would meet and present why Hello should sponsor their remarkable band and colorguard program called the Hart Regiment. Hello was happy to invite the Hart Regiment students to their conference room. The two students arrived with their ever-supportive father and older brother on the presentation day. As the presentation began, the twins eloquently conveyed the Hart Regiment’s profound impact on their lives. They shared experiences, highlighting how the program nurtured lifelong friendships and transformed their high school years into something extraordinary. As the twins continued, they shifted the focus to the grand event of the year—the 39th Annual Hart Regiment Rampage Band Tournament. They described how this event would unite over 30+ bands across Southern California, attracting over 6000+ spectators. The twins explained the program’s challenges. They expressed the limitations imposed by limited funding from the school district, especially after Covid, causing difficulties in acquiring instruments, uniforms and covering competition fees. They emphasized that advertisement revenues were crucial in sustaining the program’s annual budget. The twins’ heartfelt words moved Hello, recognizing the passion, talent, and unwavering dedication exuded by the Hart Regiment. Hello wanted to make a significant difference in the lives of these remarkable students. They sincerely announced that Hello would contribute $1,000 to support the Hart Regiment’s cause. Emotions overwhelmed the room by these two outstanding students. The twins, their father, and their older brother thanked Hello Auto Group’s generous donation and would help the Hart Regiment towards greater heights. The partnership between Hello and the Hart Regiment became an enduring example of how a shared passion for the community could make a difference.

Posted in Hello Stories